La Botica
In 2005, we opened ‘La Botica’, the first establishment in Mexico City that focused exclusively on selling artisanal mezcales, which contributed greatly in the explosion of the category of ‘Mezcal’ in our countries capital.

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In 2005, we opened ‘La Botica’, the first establishment in Mexico City that focused exclusively on selling artisanal mezcales, which contributed greatly in the explosion of the category of ‘Mezcal’ in our countries capital.
En 2007, we opened ‘Hecho en Dumbo’ in New York city, with the idea to offer a modern take on classic Mexican cuisine serving classic ‘antojitos’ using local ingredients with a focus on traditional Mexican spirits.
En 2010, we innaugarated ‘La Nacional’, following the steps of ‘La Botica’, we offered for the first time in Mexico City, a place where you can enjoy a variety of national spirits including; sotol, bacanora, racicilla and amongst many others.
In 2011, after traveling for many years around Mexico, meeting many small producer from diverese regions, we came up with the festival ‘DARDO’, which served the purpose of promoting, difusing, & contrasting the diverse characteristics of the diverse artisanal spirits that Mexico proudly boasts.
Since 2012, we have been participating in the CRM, or the Consejo Directivo del Consejo Regulador del Mezcal, to contribute with the improvement and modernization of our industry.
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